Blackjack strategy hit or stand on 16

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The Wizard on the game 21 Duel Blackjack

Nov 11, 2003 · Blackjack buffs really hate a hard 16 against a dealer's seven- through ace-up. This, whether the 16 is a 9-7 or 10-6 two-card combination, or a larger set such as 7-8-A or 5-3-4-4. And the antipathy is well warranted. These are the weakest positions in which players can find themselves. Stand on 3 card 16 vs - Blackjack - Gambling - Page 1 ... Aug 12, 2013 · In general the stand-on-3+-card 16 rule applies only to a 10 upcard (and obviously you always stand on hard 16 vs. a low upcard). There may be a few obscure composition-dependent exceptions for the other upcards (especially in pitch games) but in general unless you're counting you'd always hit 16 vs. 7-9 or A. Blackjack Investment: 16’dilemma: hit or stand? Feb 16, 2011 · Another strategy is that, you can also hit with 16v10 if you have 2 cards, and stand if you have 3 or more cards in your hand. The reason is that with a 2-card 16 you hold rather higher cards, thus leaving more low cards for drawing. But if you have a 3-card-16, you already holding lower cards and chances are reduced for drawing another lower card. Stand on a 3 card 16 vs a 10? - Blackjack and Card

Blackjack Investment: 16’dilemma: hit or stand?

Blackjack is a game that's built on making the best possible play in the long run. I've heard many time players telling me that every time they stood on '16'The most flexible rules are the number of decks, whether the dealer hits or stands on a soft 17, and whether doubling is allowed after splitting two... Blackjack strategy: What UK Blackjack Players Should…

Blackjack Strategy Charts - How to Play Perfect Blackjack

Blackjack Basic Strategy - Hit or Stand - Blackjack ... Chart for Blackjack Play. Many blackjack players are intimidated or scared of the idea of memorizing basic strategy. I’ve got two pieces of great news if you fall into this category and / or haven’t tried to learn basic strategy yet. When to hit or stand in blackjack | New player's guide to 21 How to maximise your chances by following some simple strategy and knowing when to hit or stand in blackjack for the biggest potential winnings. ... The simple strategy chart tells you to hit, but you just have a feeling that this is the wrong move, so you don’t do it.

Stand on 16 (instead of surrendering) against a dealer’s 10 upcard. In a single-deck game with s17, hit a 9 plus 7 against a dealer’s Ace upcard (instead of surrender). Additionally, if the hard 16 is the result of a pair split, then stand (instead of hit). REASON FOR THE STRATEGY. A hard 16 is one of the worst hands you can get when you ...

Blackjack Strategy Charts - How to Play Perfect Blackjack Use these Blackjack Strategy Charts to learn the correct decision for every hand. Basic Strategy is the first step to beating blackjack with card counting. ... If the other options above are not appropriate for your hand then you would choose to hit or stand. Here Is All Of Basic Strategy In 30 Simple Phrases: ... 16 surrenders against dealer 9 ... The Worst Hand in Blackjack | American Casino Guide The Worst Hand in Blackjack. Posted by steve. Blackjack. 0 Comment. By Henry Tamburin. No other hand makes blackjack players feel queasy than the dreaded 16. Players hate to hit the hand because they are afraid to bust. So many chicken out and stand no matter what the dealer shows. ... The correct basic playing strategy for hard 16 is to stand ... Blackjack Strategy Playing 16 vs. 7 - GamesandCasino A 16 is not a great hand to have, obviously, and you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. So your dilemma here is whether to hit or stand on this hand. - one which is probably misplayed by a lot of people. There is a tendency to be scared to hit a 16, and that's easy to understand since in all likelihood you're going to bust.

Hit or Stand - Blackjack Strategy Game & Trainer

Hit or Stand - Blackjack Strategy Game & Trainer Blackjack Words of Caution Blackjack Odds: Playing Hit or Stand will improve your blackjack strategy, and increase your chances of winning money. However, unless you count cards, the odds of ...